
Use with massage for sluggish circulation and congestion. Contains pure essential oil blends used with massage as a lymphatic and circulatory stimulant and decongestant. Soothing and calming properties to encourage relaxation of muscular tension.

  • Clary Sage Oil - Not only for easing depression and nervous burn-out, but for a host of female complaints and for relieving congested complexions.
  • Basil Oil - It awakens the mind to clarity of thought, steadies the nerves, while easing sinus congestion, cooling down fevers and treating menstrual problems.
  • St. John’s Wort Oil - Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, nervine, vulnerary.
  • Marjoram Oil - This oil has value when used for asthma and other respiratory complaints and has a calming action on emotions. It helps hyperactive people calm down while boosting circulation.

How To
For Professional Use Only.

Skin Type
Suitable for all type of skin.